Saturday, August 15, 2009

teacher as a practitioner

teachers are seen as a consumer of knowledge.yup thts true. sadly nowadays, teachers are no more like that. students didnt respect us as someone they should or must to.when we admonish their wrong-doings, yet our car get a beautiful marks.

decades ago, canning was a powerful tool to discipline students but now, canning was a curse for teachers to get instant glamorous in the paper.where's the teachers rights nowadays? i dont think the quote can be utilized now. time change and so do people.

everyone can be an architect, a doctor or even a lawyer, but GOD have faith in you saying that u are better being a teacher..


  1. yeay..aku pon rasa macam tu..walaupon aku ada wat bisnes tapi hati nuraniku berkata..kau telah dilantik oleh ALLAH untuk menjadi guru

  2. hmm..yg pentingkan..fokus la..
    tp din, be tolerate k..jgn nk marah2 mcm ko ngn cik zin tuh, takut aku!...
